DNA/RNA integrity

DNA/RNA integrity

Integrity of DNA/RNA is very important test needed according to the Europe pharmacopeia chapter 5.14.

Mostly the test can be done as agarose gel electrophoresis or using advanced techniques such as PCR or fragment analysis.

All the tests are according to the Europe pharmacopeia test 2.6.21.

To this test belong also plasmid DNA conformation test, because  Stability of plasmid DNA depends on its conformation and the right conformation  is required (e.g. supercoiled form).

For RNA integrity determination of RIN is important as well.

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gb SG PCR Master Mix

gb SG PCR Master Mix gb SG PCR Master Mix

gb SG PCR Master Mix je určen pro real-time PCR analýzu, kde sybrgreen (dále jen SG) nahrazuje použití fluorescenčně značené sondy. Master Mix PCR lze využít také v end-point PCR analýze. Jeho výhodou je zvýšená odolnost proti PCR inhibitorům.

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