
Delivery terms for oligos and probes


Delivery term B

Syntheses are performed in the order of obtained sequences to be synthesized and according to technological efficiency.

Unmodified oligos ordered in delivery term B are dispatched within 5 working days following the day of receipt of a purchase order. It does not include time necessary for delivery of the package.

Delivery term B is available for all the scales of oligos.


Delivery term A

Syntheses are provided as soon as possible after receipt of order.

Unmodified oligos ordered in delivery term A are dispatched within 2 working days following the day of receipt of a purchase order. It does not include time necessary for delivery of the package.

Delivery term A is available for all the scales except 20 nmol scale.

Each oligo ordered in term A is surcharged with an additional fee of 75 %.

You can find out your prices of oligos using our oligo calculator (after you log-in to Customer Portal).


Delivery term X

The actual delivery date is determined individually according to the actual demand. This delivery term is reserved for non-standard modifications, scales and/or purificatons.