
Mycoplasma detection

Mycoplasma detection

Mycoplasma contaminants may be introduced into cell culture and other biological products through master seeds, master cell seed (stock), starting materials of animal origin, and in processing of biological materials during passage and product assembly. It is therefore necessary to demonstrate through testing that Mycoplasma is not present in the final product, working seeds and cells and harvests, and starting materials such as master seed, master cell seed, and ingredients of animal origin.

The test is done in compliance with Europe pharmacopeia test 2.6.7.

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gb OneStep RT-qPCR Kit

gb OneStep RT-qPCR Kit gb OneStep RT-qPCR Kit

gb OneStep RT-qPCR Kit falls into a group of TaqMan Real-Time PCR Master Mixes. It provides cDNA synthesis in one-step. The product is intended for reverse transcription (RT) and real-time PCR (qPCR) performed in one step (in one reaction), i.e. onestep RT-qPCR. No additional instrumentation is required.

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