


STANDARD MMR BCR-ABL MAJOR represents RNA with the precisely defined copy number ratio of BCR-ABL1 MAJOR (b3a2) and reference genes ABL1 and GUSB transcripts. Major molecular response (MMR) corresponds to BCR-ABL1 0.1% International Scale (IS) transcript levels. STANDARD MMR BCR-ABL MAJOR is used to convert BCR-ABL1 values to IS.

Clinical implication

The BCR-ABL1 MAJOR fusion gene variant occurs in 95% patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and in 25% patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). The chromosomal aberration leads to the dysregulation of the tyrosine kinase signaling pathway and to the manifestation of the oncological disease.

The response of the patient to the treatment and the minimal residual disease is monitored under recommendation through the quantification of the b2a2 (e13a2) and b3a2 (e14a2) BCR-ABL1 MAJOR fusion transcripts related to the reference gene transcripts. The conversion of the results into the International Scale (IS) of treatment response is enabled by using STANDARD MMR BCR-ABL MAJOR, which is verified for such purpose by the National Reference Laboratory of the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague.

Product parameters

  • kit contents – 4 x 20 µl of STANDARD MMR BCR-ABL MAJOR with LOT specific verified copy number ratio of BCR-ABL1 to ABL1 and GUSB
  • 5 µl input into one RT-qPCR reaction per run
  • verified for conversion of results to IS
  • recommended use with kits gb ONCO BCR-ABL MAJOR/ABL cat. no.  3243-048, 3243-096) and gb ONCO BCR-ABL MAJOR/GUSB (cat. no. 3249-048, 3249-096)
Cat. No. Product Amount Price
3280-004 STANDARD MMR BCR-ABL MAJ 4×20 µl
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Shiping on dry ice from € 115 (EU)
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    Validated for:

    CFX96/96Touch (Bio-Rad)

    Light Cycler 480/Cobas z480 (Roche Diagnostics)

    QuantStudio 5 (Applied Biosystems)

    RG 3000 (Corbett Research)

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