Plasmid amplification is provided in Escherichia coli bacteria cells. Plasmid linearization by restriction cleavage can be ordered as a follow-up service. Such an operation is recommended especially when the plasmid is used as a PCR standard. Amplified plasmids are delivered either in midiprep or maxiprep quantities. Typical yields are stated below.
If the plasmid DNA is intended for use as a PCR template, it is recommended to use it as a linear DNA. A circular plasmid mostly has a supercoiled conformation, where the target sequence is less accessible for primers and for polymerase.
This service is recommended when it is necessary to verify whether a correct sequence was cloned in, whether plasmids were not misidentified (mistaken by accident), or to verify that there are no errors in the plasmid sequence.
The service is complementary for plasmids prepared in GENERI BIOTECH. It includes storage of a bacterial culture containing the plasmid. The standard storage period is one year.