


Detection method: real-time PCR

The gb ONCO EGFR diagnostic kit is used to identify mutations in exons 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the EGFR gene in patients with oncological disease.

The detection principal is based on real-time PCR using fluorescently labelled probes, allele-specific primers and PCR blockers. The kit contains 3 specific assays and the corresponding Master Mix for the detection of 7 EGFR gene mutation groups and for a total of 40 individual mutations. The kit contains all the necessary components to perform the analysis.

Clinical implications

The Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is expressed on the cell surface and has a tyrosine kinase activity. The EGFR is involved in the cell cycle regulation through the MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathways. Activating mutations trigger its kinase activity, which then leads to the uncontrolled cell proliferation.

This is used in the treatment with the so-called tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), which bind to the ATP binding site of the receptor and thus inhibit the activity of the EGFR.

Carriers of activation-type EGFR mutations respond positively to the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment. On the contrary, carriers of the resistant type of EGFR mutations are resistant to TKIs. Thus, the identification of the type of mutation in the EGFR gene allows more precise and personalized approach to cancer treatment.

The anti-EGFR TKIs are mainly used in the treatment of lung cancer, especially of non-small cell lung cancer. However, the resistance to the TKIs develops very rapidly (median 9-13 months). Therefore, the detection of mutations is required before starting treatment with drugs from the TKI group.

Product parameters

  • the kit contains 3 specific assays and a Master Mix for the detection of 7 EGFR gene mutation groups and for a total of 40 individual mutations
  • input sample concentration 8-80 ng/µl
  • validity of the analysis is verified using a negative control, MUT and WT standard and an internal positive control (IPC) included in each assay
  • detection is performed in FAM, HEX, ROX and Cy5 fluorescence channels
  • identical amplification profile with products from gb HEMO, gb GENETIC, gb PHARM lines
  • list of mutations detected by the gb ONCO EGFR kit:
no. mutation sequence change cosmic ID exon
1 G719A 2156G>C 6239 18
2 G719C 2155G>T 6253
3 G719D 2156G>A 18425
4 G719S 2155G>A 6252
5 E746_A750del (1) 2235_2249del15 6223 19
6 E746_A750del (2) 2236_2250del15 6225
7 E746_A750>QP 2236_2248>CAAC 13557
8 E746_T751del 2236_2253del18 12728
9 E746_T751>A 2237_2251del15 12678
10 E746_T751>T 2236_2253> ACG
11 E746_S752>A 2237_2254del18 12367
12 E746_T751>I 2235_2252>AAT 13551
13 E746_T751>V 2237_2252>T 12386
14 E746_T751>Q 2236_2253>CAA 22999
15 E746_S752>V 2237_2255>T 12384
16 E746_S752>D 2238_2255del18 6220
17 E746_S752>EQ 2238_2256>GCAA
18 E746_K754>EQHL 2238_2261>GCAACATCT
19 L747_P753>S 2240_2257del18 12370
20 L747_A750>P 2238_2248>GC 12422
21 L747_T751>Q 2238_2252>GCA 12419
22 L747_A750>P 2239_2248TTAAGAGAAG>C 12382
23 L747_A750>P 2239_2250>CCC
24 L747_T751del (1) 2239_2253del15 6254
25 L747_T751del (2) 2240_2254del15 12369
26 L747_T751del (3) 2238_2252del15 23571
27 L747_T751>S 2240_2251del12 6210
28 L747_T751>P 2239_2251>C 12383
29 L747_S752del 2239_2256del18 6255
30 L747_S752>Q 2239_2256>CAA 12403
31 L747_P753>Q 2239_2258>CA 12387
32 L747_K754>QL 2239_2261>CAATT
33 D770_N771insG 2310_2311insGGT 12378 20
34 D770_N771insSVD 2311_2312insGCGTGGACA 13428
35 H773_V774insNPH 2319_2320insAACCCCCAC 12381
36 S768I 2303G>T 6241
37 T790M 2369C>T 6240
38 L858R 2573T>G 6224 21
39 L861Q 2582T>A 6213
40 L861R 2582T>G 12374
Cat. No. Product No. of reactions Price
3282-024 gb ONCO EGFR 24 Not available

1 CE IVD real-time PCR kit contains reagents to provide 24 PCR reactions (25 μl volume of each reaction).

Shiping on dry ice from € 110 (EU)
For other destinations see indicative list.

    General Terms and Conditions

    Validated for:

    CFX96/96Touch (Bio-Rad)

    Light Cycler 480/Cobas z480 (Roche Diagnostics)

    QuantStudio 5 (Applied Biosystems)

    RG 3000 (Corbett Research)

    Select further cyclers

    Podpora This product was developed within the project TH03010251 IVD PROBES with the support of the Czech Technology Agency within the EPSILON Programme -
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