
gb ONCO JAK2 (V617F) gb ONCO JAK2 (V617F)

gb ONCO JAK2 (V617F)

Detection method: quantitative real-time PCR

This kit is used for detection and quantification of somatic mutation V617F JAK2 gene in human genomic DNA. The detection principle is based on real-time PCR using fluorescently labeled probes and allele specific primers.

Clinical implications of the kit

The JAK2 enzyme is involved in the signaling pathway leading to blood cell production. Substitution of the amino acid valine for phenylalanine at position 617 leads to uncontrolled cell proliferation and survival of hematopoietic precursors. Somatic mutation occurs in most patients with with diseases such as essential thrombocythemia and chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis.
A higher risk of complications (thrombosis, abortion, etc.) is generally expected in carriers of this mutation.

Parameters of the real-time PCR diagnostic kit

  • ready-to-use assay
  • LOD 0.26% mutated JAK2 on WT background at 100,000 copies in reaction
  • sample concentration 4-80 ng/µl
  • positive and negative controls included
  • FAM channel detection
  • identical amplification profile as gb HEMO, gb GENETIC, gb PHARM kits
Cat. No. Product No. of reactions Price
3242-024 gb ONCO JAK2 (V617F) 24
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3242-048 gb ONCO JAK2 (V617F) 48
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1 real-time PCR kit contains reagents to provide 24 or 48 PCR reactions (25 μl volume of each reaction).

Selling, offering, storage and usage of the product in some countries may infringe valid patent rights under patent EP 1692281 and its equivalents.

Shiping on dry ice from € 115 (EU)
For other destinations see indicative list.

    General Terms and Conditions

    Verified for:

    CFX96/96Touch (Bio-Rad)

    Light Cycler 480/Cobas z480 (Roche Diagnostics)

    QuantStudio 5 (Applied Biosystems)

    RG 6000/Q (Corbett Research/Qiagen)

    Select further cyclers

    Useful links
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    gb OneStep RT-qPCR Kit gb OneStep RT-qPCR Kit

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